Debugging Tools

Use Skeletonic CSS debugging tools to visually inspect and correct page layout issues.

Skeletonic CSS v.1.0.5 provides a set of debugging tools to help you quickly find and fix your CSS layout issues.

Image baseline grid

The Image baseline grid allows you to use a defined debugging class on any HTML Tags to enable the grid overlay and identify issues in your UI layer.

To begin, set out a base number for your baseline grid.(E.g., 8px/16px/32px/64px).


.debug-grid-8 {&#10; background: &#10; transparent &#10; url(&apos;&#10; data:image/gif;&#10; base64,&#10; encoded_image&apos;) &#10; repeat &#10; top &#10; left;&#10;}</code>


.debug-grid-16 {&#10; background: &#10; transparent &#10; url(&apos;data:image/gif;&#10; base64,&#10; encoded_image&apos;) &#10; repeat &#10; top &#10; left;&#10;}


.debug-grid-32 {&#10; background: &#10; transparent &#10; url(&apos;data:image/gif;&#10; base64,&#10; encoded_image&apos;) &#10; repeat &#10; top &#10; left;&#10;}


.debug-grid-64 {&#10; background: &#10; transparent &#10; url(&apos;&#10; data:image/gif;&#10; base64,&#10; encoded_image&#10; &apos;) &#10; repeat &#10; top &#10; left;&#10;}

CSS baseline grid

We also have a smart, responsive, CSS baseline grid overlay version to fit your cascading web life.

To use it, you will need to import skeletonic-debug-mode.css to display the CSS Grid overlay automatically in your <body> tag.

The Anatomy of Skeletonic CSS - A lightweight, intuitive, accessible and ultra-responsive CSS Framework